Monday, December 26, 2005

Future soccer star. Thanks Aunt Patty and Uncle Jim for my cool Christmas present!
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What is it about electricity?
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I like Christmas Posted by Picasa

Turtle, turtle Posted by Picasa

Christmas morning Posted by Picasa

�Oooh Christmas tree�
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Who's up too late? Posted by Picasa

This was funny until I figured out I was stuck.
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At one Reagan got to turn her seat forward. Posted by Picasa

Uncle Jay and Aunt Heidi got me this box, my new favorite seat.
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Grammy W tries out the bounce house Posted by Picasa

Reagan's first birthday Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Merry Christmans from the Murrays Posted by Picasa

May your Christmas be merry not "scary" Posted by Picasa