Thursday, August 04, 2005

Planes (Sea Planes), Trains and Automobiles

We're off to the Rendezvous. Roche Harbor, WA Posted by Picasa

Reagan is becoming a well-traveled baby. She's been to Tempe, AZ, to cheer on our friend Noah as he finished his second Ironman. She's been to Maui, HI, to check out a time share and see yet another triathlon, and most recently, the San Juan Islands in the Pacific Northwest. We traveled yet, again on August 1st, for the 9th annual Offshore West Rendezvous. We left at 7:00 am and took a taxi to the John Wayne Airport. We then flew to Seattle, took a taxi to Lake Union and hopped on a sea plane (a tiny little plane with 4 seats). Reggie was a real trooper until the sea plane and I blame that on the rather rude woman who was on our flight. She was traveling with a large party to Deer Harbor and had apparently brought an additional person. Because all the planes are loaded by weight (you and your luggage), they could not all fit on the same plane. They put her on our flight and she held us up because she kept arguing with the ticket agent at Kenmore Air. Then we had to go out of our way to fly to Deer Harbor, extending our flight and making an additional stop to let her off. After getting off the plane, she wanted the pilot to call and find out where the rest of her party was. They argued on the dock for a few minutes and as it turned out the pilot's cell phone couldn't get a signal. We left her on the dock looking really annoyed. By this time Reggie was getting fussy and so was I.


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